Welcome to CMPS 102!

All of the course materials will be available on Canvas.

The required text will be Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos

There is more demand for the course than can be accomodated.  I will not be giving out permission codes, but rather relying on the registrar's system of enrollment priorities.  As spaces open up, students will be automatically added to the class from the wait list.   The class will be offered next quarter for those students unable to enroll this time.

To prepare for the course students may want to review CMPS 101 and CMPE 16 material like: quantified statements, proofs, induction, asymptotic notation, and graph algorithms.

See the syllabus below for more information.

Sections will meet starting with the Thursday (Jan 10) sections.

Slides: I will be using slides from Kevin Wayne that can be found at: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wayne/kleinberg-tardos/.   I will not be using all the chapters (see syllabus) and will be skipping some of the slides for the chapters I will cover. 

Midterm: Log in to see the midterm information sheet   Please bring your ID and show it as you turn in the exam.

Final Exam: Monday March 18 from 7:30-10pm in the lecture room. Bring you ID and show it as you turn in the exam. Final Information Sheet

PDF icon Syllabus72.5 KB